The Homeowner's Guide to Solar Installation

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Introduction to solar energy and its benefits for the environment and cost savings

Solar panels in front of the Sydney city skyline

In this guide, we cover a range of topics that will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of solar systems and their components. We start by assessing your home's solar potential, considering factors such as roof space, shading, and orientation. We then delve into the different types of solar panel systems available in the market and their differences. We'll help you determine the size and number of solar panels needed for your home by taking into account your energy usage and other relevant factors. By using this guide, you should be able to calculate your home's kWh usage, which is crucial for accurately sizing your solar system.

When engaging the services of a repeatable solar installer, they should always recommend the best system for your specific circumstances. However, with the use of this guide we aim to give you a solid foundational understanding of the various types of solar systems and their functions, helping you choose the right type of solar system for your home.

We hope this guide will provide you with all the information you need to make informed decisions about solar power and make the process of installing solar panels in your home stress-free. Let's jump in!

Assessing your home's solar potential

In most Australian states, homeowners are lucky enough to be able to take advantage of an abundance of sunlight through solar energy. Assessing your home's solar potential is an important step in finding out how you could benefit from switching to renewable energy.

There are a few factors to keep in mind when assessing the potential for solar-powered systems in your home: location, roof pitch and size, restrictions imposed by authorities or other third parties, and budget considerations.


In order to determine if your house has enough exposure to sunlight for solar panels, its location needs to be taken into account first and foremost. The amount of direct sunlight that reaches a given area depends on the latitude — meaning it’s more intense at the equator than at the poles. In Australia, most of the country falls within optimal solar radiation zones except for some parts in the far northern and southern states.

Roof Pitch and Size

The angle at which your roof faces the sun is called its ‘pitch’ and it plays a major role in how much sunlight reaches your home. Most roofs should face between 15°-40° south to achieve maximum efficiency from your panels, but don't worry if this isn't possible as modern solar panels are designed to work with even more shallow angles. Additionally, you'll also need to consider whether there's enough space on your roof for an array of solar panels — each panel takes up around 1 square metre so make sure you measure the dimensions before making a decision.


Depending on where you live, there may be special restrictions in place regarding the installation of solar panels — such as height limits or local regulations. It’s best to check with your local council prior to making any decisions, so you can avoid any surprise costs or delays during installation.

Budget Considerations

Finally, you'll need to factor in what you can afford when it comes to solar PV (photovoltaic) systems. While costs vary depending on your location and setup needs, most home installations cost around $3,000 - $8,500 after rebates and incentives are taken into account. There are also financing options available if necessary which allow you to spread the cost over several years, a lot of the time the finance payments can be covered by what you are saving in energy costs anyway.

By considering all of these factors, you'll be able to get the most out of solar energy for your home. If you're ready to take the next step and make the switch to renewable energy, contact a qualified installer in your area. With their professional expertise, they can help ensure that you have an efficient and cost-effective solar system installed on your property.

Types of solar systems and their differences

Australia is home to a wide variety of solar panel systems, ranging from small-scale residential rooftop installations to large-scale projects. Understanding the different types of systems available and their differences can help you make an informed decision on which system best fits your needs.

solar panels on Australian homes in a suburb

Grid-Connected Solar Systems are the most popular type of solar power system in Australia, accounting for over two thirds of all installed solar power capacity. In a grid-connected system, the electricity generated by the solar panels is sent directly into the electricity grid and any excess electricity produced is then fed back into the grid for others to use, allowing homeowners to take advantage of net metering schemes. This type of system requires an inverter which converts direct current (DC) electricity produced by the solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity which can then be used in the home.

Stand-Alone Solar Systems are typically installed in homes that aren’t connected to the grid, such as remote locations or rural areas. In this system, energy generated from the solar panels is stored in batteries for later use, rather than being sent to an external source like a utility company. These systems usually require additional components such as battery banks and converters which allow them to store and convert DC electricity produced by the solar panels into AC electricity. It's still rare to see stand-alone systems in Metropolitan areas as it's a much higher upfront cost to install, but as the cost of batteries has started to come down there has been a peak in interest.

Hybrid Solar Systems combine elements of both grid-connected and stand-alone systems, allowing homeowners to generate their own electricity while still having access to an external grid connection. In this type of system, the solar panels generate electricity which is then sent to an inverter, similar to a grid-connected system. The energy produced by the solar panels can be stored in batteries and used when required, while excess energy is fed back into the grid for others to use.

For the vast majority of Aussies, a grid-connected system is going to be the go to solar system for their home. But, no matter what type of solar panel system you choose in Australia, you’ll benefit from clean renewable energy that helps reduce your carbon footprint and your electricity bills. Each system has its own advantages and disadvantages so it’s important to do your research before making a decision on which one best fits your needs. Ultimately, understanding how each type of system works will help you make an informed decision on what’s right for your home.

Determining the size and number of solar panels needed for your home

One of the most important aspects of solar panel installation is determining the size and number of panels needed for your home. This will depend on several factors, including your energy usage, roof size and orientation, and the availability of sunlight. Here's a detailed guide on how to determine the size and number of solar panels you need for your home.

Calculating Panel Size and Number

When it comes to solar panel installation, the size and number of panels you need can be difficult to calculate. It's important to take into account a variety of factors, such as your average monthly electricity consumption, the amount of space available for installation and the part of Australia in which you live.

To start, you'll want to find out your average monthly electricity consumption (kWh). This will give you an idea of how many solar panels are needed to generate enough energy for daily use. To get this measurement, look at your most recent electric bills and work out an average over the past year.

Next, measure the area where you plan on installing the solar array or system. Note that while rooftop installations are most often ideal due to their easy access, ground-mounted systems may be more suitable for larger projects. Make sure to factor in any obstructions or shading that could limit the system's performance.

It’s also important to consider the climate of your area and how much solar energy is available. The number of panels needed will depend on the amount of sunshine you receive throughout the year. Remember that cold temperatures and cloudy weather can reduce the efficiency of your system and increase its cost significantly.

The exact number and size of solar panels needed will vary depending on the specific project and its location. Solar installers are experts in calculating these numbers accurately so it’s important to consult a professional before making any final decisions. Taking the time to get the right measurements for your system can save you money in the long run and ensure your solar energy system runs at peak efficiency.

Assessing Your Average Electricity Usage

Assessing your energy usage is an important step when it comes to installing a solar system in your home. The first question any solar installer is going to ask you is most likely going to be "Can I see your power bill?", this is because the bill from your energy company shows exactly how much power you're using month to month. The key number that the installer is looking for is your average kWh use. With this number, the installer can start to determine which solar system size can generate enough energy to cover your average usage.

It's important to note that your energy usage can fluctuate throughout the year, depending on the season and your habits. To get a more accurate idea of your average energy usage, it's recommended that you look at your power bills for the past 12 months and calculate the average monthly usage. This will give you a better idea of how much energy you're consuming and help you choose the right size of solar system for your home.

By understanding your energy usage, you can ensure that you install a solar system that is tailored to your needs. This will help you maximise the benefits of solar power and reduce your dependence on traditional electricity sources.

Roof Size and Orientation

Knowing your average kWh usage isn't the only factor which comes into play when determining the size of the system which can be installed on your property. The size and orientation of your roof plays a major role when it comes to the installation of solar panels, the amount of space available on your roof will determine the number of solar panels which can be installed, while the direction that they face will affect the amount of energy they generate.

When determining the size of your roof for a solar panel installation, you need to consider both its area and pitch. The size needs to be large enough to ensure enough room for installing an adequate number of panels in order to power your home or business with renewable energy. With regards to pitch, if it is too steep – or even flat – then there may not be optimal exposure for solar power.

The orientation of your roof is also key when it comes to solar panel installation. Generally, north-facing roofs are ideal for Australians because they can capture light throughout the day. However, east and west-facing roofs may still be suitable depending on their specific orientation.

Overall, it is important to be mindful of both the size and orientation of your roof before you install solar panels to ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness when it comes to renewable energy generation. With careful consideration and planning, you can create an optimal setup that will help you save money on electricity bills while helping protect the environment at the same time.

Sunlight hitting the solar panels on a family home

Available Sunlight

When considering solar panel installation, it's important to determine the amount of available sunlight in your area. The amount of available sunlight affects the efficiency and output of a PV system. In order for a PV system to be effective and produce optimal results, there must be adequate amounts of direct sunshine throughout the year.

The most ideal location for solar panel installation would be in an area that receives direct sunlight almost all year round without any significant obstructions from buildings or trees. This will ensure that the panels receive maximum exposure to the sun throughout the day. The average hours of sunlight per day vary depending on where you are in Australia, in Sydney there's an average of 7.2hours of sunlight per day compared to an average of 8.8hours per day in Perth.

The tilt angle of the solar panel is also an important factor to consider. In order for a PV system to produce optimal results, the array should be tilted towards the equator at an angle equivalent to your local latitude value. This ensures that the panels receive maximum exposure to direct sunlight all year round. Depending on your location, the optimal tilt angle may need to be adjusted in order to account for seasonal changes in sunlight intensity.

By taking into consideration these two factors, you can measure the amount of available sunlight for solar panel installation on your home and make sure that your system is positioned correctly for maximum efficiency.

Calculating your home’s kWh

By this point, you should have determined your average kWh usage and the average sunlight hours in your area. With this information, you can calculate the size of the solar system that would cover your energy bill.

The first step is to convert your average daily kWh usage into daily solar energy production. To do this, you will need to divide your average daily kWh usage by the average sunlight hours in your area. For example, if your average daily kWh usage is 25 kWh and your area has an average of 5 sunlight hours per day, then you will need to produce 5 kW of solar energy per hour (25 kWh ÷ 5 hours).

The second step is to determine the size of the solar system required to produce this amount of solar energy. The size of a solar system is measured in kilowatts (kW) and is determined by the number of solar panels installed. The number of solar panels required depends on the wattage of the individual panels, the efficiency of the panels, and the amount of available roof space. A typical solar panel has a wattage of around 300 watts, and an average-sized solar system for a home is around 6 kW.

Using the example above, if you need to produce 5 kW of solar energy per hour, then you will need a solar system that can produce at least 5 kW. This could be achieved by installing around 16 to 20 solar panels with a wattage of 300 watts each. However, the number of panels required may vary depending on the efficiency of the panels and the amount of available roof space.

By calculating the size of the solar system required to cover your energy bill, you can make an informed decision on the number of solar panels you need to install in your home. This will help you maximize the benefits of solar power and reduce your electricity bills.

Different types of solar inverters and their functions

When purchasing a new solar system, it’s good to understand the different types of solar inverters available and how they work.

Inverters are a vital part of any solar system because they convert direct current (DC) generated by the solar panels into alternating current (AC), which can then be used to power household appliances and lights. Inverters also provide additional safety features, such as auto-shutdown when a fault is detected.

solar inverters installed on the outside wall of a home

Grid-connected inverters are the most common type in Australia and they allow your home to receive electricity from both the grid and your solar system, depending on the amount of sun available. These inverters usually include a built-in display so you can view your solar energy production and keep an eye on the performance of your system.

String inverters are another popular type of solar inverter and they are generally used for large commercial or residential installations. They work by connecting each panel in the array to one single unit, meaning that all the panels need to operate at the same voltage and current. This makes them easy to install but some systems may experience losses due to mismatched strings of panels under different weather conditions.

Micro-inverters are another option, which allow each individual panel to be connected to its own inverter – giving you more control over how much electricity is produced. These are usually more expensive than other types of inverters though, so they are not so popular in Australian households.

Finally, battery-based inverters are becoming increasingly popular in Australia as more people look to store their solar energy and use it when the sun isn't shining. These systems include a battery bank, which stores excess electricity generated during the day so it can be used at night or on cloudy days. While these systems offer more control over your energy consumption, they tend to be more expensive than standard grid-connected inverters.

No matter what type of system you have installed, it’s important to ensure that your solar inverter is serviced regularly and kept in good working order. This will ensure that your system is operating efficiently and safely, allowing you to get the most out of your solar energy investment.

How does a solar inverter work?

A solar inverter is a critical piece of equipment used in many home and commercial solar power systems. It converts the direct current (DC) electricity generated by the solar panels into alternating current (AC) which can be safely used to run electrical devices in our homes or businesses.

The process starts with sunlight hitting the solar panels, which are comprised of photovoltaic cells made from semiconductor materials like silicon. These cells absorb the light energy and convert it into electricity. The DC electricity created at this stage is then transported through cables to an inverter, where it is converted into useable AC power. At its most basic level, a solar inverter works much like any other type of electric transformer. An electromagnet is attached to a spinning shaft and windings that generate an alternating electromagnetic field. This rotating magnetic field cuts through the copper wire, producing AC current inside it.

The inverter can control the voltage and frequency of this AC power as well, so that it matches the needs of any electrical devices or appliances connected to it. The solar inverter also performs an important safety role by monitoring the electrical system for over-voltage protection and shut-down features in case of extreme conditions such as lightning strikes or high winds.

Warranty, Maintenance & Repair of Inverters

When it comes to solar power systems, inverters are the key to efficient operation and long-term performance. For over two million homes in Australia powered by rooftop solar panels, inverters play a critical role in converting the direct current (DC) generated by solar panels into usable alternating current (AC) that feeds into residential electrical systems.

It's important to ensure regular maintenance and repair of your inverter to keep it running optimally and avoid expensive repairs later on. To help you maintain yours, we've put together a guide on warranty, maintenance & repairs for inverters of solar panels in Australia.


All inverter manufacturers provide some type of warranty for their products. Generally, most warranties cover parts and labour required to repair or replace the inverter during the warranty period, which is typically between 5-10 years. Some companies also offer extended warranties for additional fees. Be sure to check with your manufacturer for details about their specific warranty policies before making a purchase.


Regular solar maintenance is critical to ensure optimal operation and performance of your solar panel system over time. Typically, this includes cleaning any build up of dust and debris from the panels, as well as checking connections on all components of the system. It's also important to have a professional inspect your system at least once per year to identify potential issues that could affect your system's efficiency.

a damaged solar panel


Even the best-maintained systems may require repairs from time to time due to normal wear and tear or adverse weather conditions. If you experience any problems with your inverter, it's important to have a professional inspect it right away to identify the issue and determine if repairs are required. Most manufacturers offer repair services for their products, so be sure to contact them directly for details about cost, availability, and turnaround times.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your solar power system remains running smoothly over time. Regular warranty checks, maintenance, and repairs can help ensure optimal performance of your inverters and other components of the system so you can enjoy reliable renewable energy for years to come.

An overview of the solar installation process

The solar installation process in Australia is quite simple and straightforward. Depending on the type of system you’re installing, it typically involves planning and preparation, obtaining a permit or approval from your local council, choosing a suitable location for the panels, purchasing materials, installing the system (and associated wiring), connecting it to your home’s electrical system or grid-connecting (if applicable) and testing.

What inspections are required during the solar installation process?

Solar installations in Australia require a number of inspections during the process. As part of the installation, an approved inspector must assess the system to ensure compliance with safety regulations and standards. This includes a full visual assessment of all components, as well as ensuring that connections are correctly made and secured. Additionally, they will check for any potential faults or hazards that could impact the system’s performance or increase safety risks.

The inspection should also cover how the solar panels are mounted on your roof, including making sure there is enough clearance between panels and other objects such as chimneys or skylights, to prevent fire risk. It's important to note that this assessment may need to be repeated if changes have been made since the initial installation.

Finally, the inspector will review your inverter and any other electrical work associated with the solar installation. This includes confirming that all wiring is up to code, securely terminated at both ends, and properly labelled.

The grid connection process

Different Australian states have different requirements for connecting to the grid, so you must understand the specific rules applicable in your state or territory before beginning the process. You may also need additional permits or authorisations if your connection is technically complex or difficult.

In NSW, you must first apply for grid connection through an Accredited Service Provider (ASP), who will then work with the local distribution network service provider (DNSP) to connect your solar system to the grid. The DNSP in NSW is usually one of the following: Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy, or Essential Energy, depending on your location.

Once you have applied for grid connection, the DNSP will assess your application and determine whether your proposed solar system meets their technical requirements. They will also assess the capacity of the network to accommodate your solar system, which can take up to several weeks.

If your application is approved, the DNSP will provide you with a grid connection agreement outlining the technical specifications for the connection project and any associated costs or fees. You will also need to provide your energy retailer with a copy of the agreement, so they can arrange for the installation of a meter and ensure that you start receiving credits for any excess solar energy you produce.

It's important to note that in NSW, you may also need to obtain planning approval for your solar system from your local council or the state government, depending on the size and location of the system. This can add additional time and costs to the connection process.

Overall, the grid connection process in NSW can take several weeks or even months, depending on the complexity of the project and the availability of network capacity. It's important to work with a reputable ASP and DNSP to ensure that your solar system is connected safely and efficiently to the grid.

a man in orange installing solar panels on a home

Use a professional solar installer 

When it comes to solar power, you must have a professional team of solar installers who can ensure the successful and safe installation of your setup. In NSW, it's important to hire a licensed and accredited solar installer to ensure that your solar system is installed safely and meets all Australian standards and regulations. The Clean Energy Council (CEC) is the peak body representing Australia's clean energy sector and has established an accreditation scheme for solar installers. Choosing a CEC-accredited installer guarantees that they have the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to install your solar system correctly.

The NSW government offers several rebates and incentives for households and businesses that install solar systems. However, to qualify for these incentives, your solar system must be installed by a CEC-accredited installer, and the system must be approved by the CEC.

When choosing a solar installer, it's recommended that you do your research and ask for recommendations from family and friends who have installed solar systems. You can also check online reviews and look for testimonials on the installer's website to get an idea of their reputation and customer service.

It's important to work with a solar installer who can provide expert advice on the best components for your needs and budget. They should also provide you with a detailed quote outlining the costs and services included in the installation, as well as any warranties or guarantees for their workmanship and products.

Overall, using a professional solar installer in NSW is crucial to ensure that your solar system is installed safely, efficiently and complies with all Australian standards and regulations.

Financing options for solar installation

Financing options are genuinely available through most well established solar businesses. It can be a great way to reduce the upfront cost of installing solar panels and make an otherwise expensive home upgrade much more affordable. In Australia, there are several financing options available for homeowners looking to invest in renewable energy technology. From cash or loan payments to leasing arrangements and government incentives, here’s a brief look at some of the financing options available for solar panel installations:

Cash Payment

If you have enough money saved up, paying with cash is the most obvious way to finance your solar system installation. This option gives you full control over your finances and ensures that you won’t accumulate interest or have any other extra expenses associated with payment plans.

Finance Payment

For many Australians the option of paying for a solar system through monthly loan payments is a more appealing one. Due to the savings in energy bills after installing a new system, many homeowners can in fact have solar installed and keep their monthly expenses the same or less by selecting to pay monthly. For example, your new solar system could be saving you $250 a month, covering your finance repayment for the system.

Government Incentives

Most states offer several government-sponsored incentives for homeowners who invest in renewable energy technology like solar panels. These include grants and subsidies designed to help cover some of the cost of installation and reduce the overall expense of transitioning your home over to solar energy.

Government incentives in NSW

In New South Wales (NSW), the government provides several incentives to encourage homeowners to install solar panels. The main incentive is the NSW Solar Bonus Scheme, which provides eligible households with a feed-in tariff for any excess electricity they generate. This tariff is paid by the energy retailer and is credited to the household's electricity bill. The rate of the feed-in tariff depends on the size of the solar panel system and the type of metre installed.

The NSW government also offers a Solar Homes Program that provides rebates for eligible households to install a solar panel system. To be eligible for the rebate, households must meet certain income and eligibility criteria.

Tips on maintaining and monitoring your solar system

Maintaining and monitoring your solar system is not always straightforward - especially for those with limited technical knowledge. To help you better understand your responsibilities when it comes to keeping your solar system running optimally, we've put together some useful tips on maintaining and monitoring your solar system. 

How to clean solar panels

Cleaning your solar panels is an essential part of maintaining their efficiency and performance. Solar panels are designed to capture the sun’s energy, but dirt, dust, pollen, bird droppings and other debris can accumulate on the surface over time. This decreases the amount of sunlight that reaches them resulting in reduced efficiency and power output. Regular cleaning helps maintain peak performance from your solar panels and ensures you get the most out of your investment.

When it comes to solar panel cleaning there are a few things to keep in mind:

a person using a microfiber cloth to clean solar panels
  • Make sure you use non-abrasive tools like a soft cloth or microfiber dusting pad for cleaning panels. Never use metal brushes or abrasive materials as this can cause damage to the surface.
  • Do not use pressure washing to clean solar panels as this could cause water to seep into electrical components and potentially cause damage.
  • Never handle modules with wet hands or when standing in water as this could create an electric shock hazard.
  • Avoid using chemical cleaners, solvents, detergents or window cleaners on your solar panels. These products may contain abrasive particles that can scratch and damage the surface of the panel. Instead, use a mild solution of soapy water and a soft cloth to wipe off dirt, dust and debris from the solar panel's surface.
  • Be mindful of shading when cleaning your solar panels – if a panel is shaded while you are cleaning it, avoid spraying the wet solution on that panel. This may cause water droplets to form which could reduce the efficiency of that particular panel.

Always be careful when using ladders and other tools to access hard-to-reach areas. Do not climb onto your roof as this can be dangerous. Instead, you should consider hiring professionals for solar panel cleaning who have experience in safely accessing and cleaning solar panels on roofs.

How to check for signs of damage

It is  important to regularly inspect your property for signs of damage, especially if you live in an area prone to extreme weather.

First and foremost, it is important to inspect the exterior of your home or property. Look out for any cracks in brickwork, stonework or foundations, as well as evidence of significant shifting or subsidence. Additionally, check around windows and doors for any gaps which could indicate movement in the structure following a storm or heavy rain. It may also be helpful to use binoculars to inspect buildings at a distance – this can help to spot any damage which may not be immediately visible.

Make sure you also take a closer look at the roof of your property. Look out for missing, cracked or broken tiles and check around vent pipes and chimneys for any signs of wear and tear. You should also look inside your attic or ceiling space for evidence of water damage or mould growth – these can indicate that there has been an issue with leaking roofs or gutters.

Monitoring systems

Monitoring systems are an invaluable tool for managing your solar panels. These systems help you track exactly how much energy your system produces and give you valuable insight into what changes need to be made to maximise your power production.

One of the key benefits of monitoring systems is that they provide real-time data on performance, enabling immediate action when needed. This helps ensure that small issues don’t become major problems, which can cost time and money down the line.

These systems are also useful when it comes to identifying areas where your solar panels may not be performing as well as they should, such as shading or dirt buildup. Identifying and addressing these issues quickly can help you get maximum efficiency from your solar panel system.

Monitoring systems give you complete visibility and control of your solar panels in Australia so that you can make the most of this natural resource and save money on energy costs down the line. With the right monitoring system in place, you can rest assured you’re getting optimal performance from your solar panel system.

Troubleshooting Common Problems

When problems arise with solar panel systems, it can be difficult to know where to start troubleshooting. To help you out, here are a few common problems and solutions for solar panels:

  • Power output lower than expected

This could be caused by dirt or debris on your solar panel. Cleaning your solar panel with mild soap and warm water should do the trick! If that doesn't work, check for any wear and tear on wiring connections—if there is damage, it's time to get professional assistance from a certified electrician or technician.

  • Poor battery performance

This could be due to a faulty or inadequate charge controller. Check your charge controller settings and make sure it's sized correctly for the number of solar panels you're using. Alternatively, check if the battery is too old or has been damaged—in this case, you'll need to replace it.

  • Inverter not working

This could be an indication of a power outage or an internal inverter fault. To troubleshoot, first, check the main switchboard for any circuit tripping issues. If there are no problems present, then try resetting the inverter by turning off its main power supply and waiting a few minutes before switching it back on again

Finding reputable solar installers and government incentives for solar installation

To find reputable solar installers and government incentives for solar installation, there are several resources available.

The Clean Energy Council (CEC) has a list of certified solar installers who meet their standards for quality products and services, as well as information on any Australian Government incentives available for solar installation in each state or territory.

The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources provides detailed information about the availability and eligibility criteria for solar rebates in each state or territory, including information about the Small-Scale Renewable Energy Scheme.

Your local government may also have initiatives that can help you find accredited installers and get discounts on solar installation costs. Check your local council's website for any available assistance and special offers or discounts.

You can also speak with friends or family who have recently installed solar systems for recommendations on reputable and trustworthy installers.

Future developments and advancements in solar technology

The future of solar energy in Australia looks promising, as technology advancements are leading to more efficient ways to generate and store energy. Solar panels have become increasingly affordable and accessible, making it possible for households to access clean, renewable electricity at a fraction of the cost of traditional sources. Additionally, new developments in battery storage technologies mean that homeowners will be able to store excess solar energy generated during the day for use at night or on cloudy days when sunlight is not available.

Government initiatives such as the Australian Renewable Energy Target (RET) are helping to drive investment in renewable energy infrastructure and make solar power more attractive from both an environmental and financial standpoint. By supporting incentives for people to install solar panels and battery storage, the RET helps to bring down the cost of solar power even further.

The increasing affordability of solar energy in Australia is helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, boost local economies and create jobs. In addition, the solar industry can expand into new markets such as providing clean electricity to remote communities or powering greenhouses or hydroponic systems used in agriculture.

As technology advances and costs decline, solar power will continue to become more efficient and cost-effective, and we can expect much of Australia's future energy needs to be met by renewable resources such as solar power. This shift towards a cleaner, greener future will benefit all Australians for generations to come.


In conclusion, switching to solar energy can be a great way to reduce your electricity bills, minimise your carbon footprint, and contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future for all. By assessing your home's solar potential, determining the size and number of solar panels needed, and choosing a reputable solar installer, you can successfully install a solar system that meets your energy needs and budget.

Taking advantage of government incentives and rebates can help make solar energy more affordable and accessible for everyone. As technology continues to advance and solar power becomes increasingly cost-effective and efficient, we can expect to see more and more households and businesses across Australia embrace this renewable energy source.

If you're looking to install solar at your home or business in Sydney or NSW, please consider contacting Platinum Solar Group for a free quote for your system. We are a reliable and professional solar installation company that can help you with every aspect of your solar installation project, from assessing your home's solar potential to determining the size and number of solar panels needed to choosing the right inverter and financing options. We can also assist you with the grid connection process and provide ongoing maintenance and support for your solar system.

We hope this guide has provided you with valuable information on solar systems for homes in Australia, including the different types of solar panels and inverters, the installation process, and financing options available. If you have any questions or need further assistance with your solar installation project, please do not hesitate to consult with a professional solar installer or industry association.

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